Analysing a Slot Campaign
Once your Slot Campaign is live, you’d obviously would want to dig deeper and analyse it.
In order to analyze a Slot Campaign, follow the steps below :
STEP 1: In your Dashboard, go to “Campaigns”.
STEP 2: Click on “Slot Campaigns”.
STEP 3: Go to any Slot Campaign, and click on “Report”.
STEP 4: Once you’ll click on “Report”, you’ll be able to see the detailed analysis of that particular Slot Campaign. Below are some sections under the reports category that have been explained in details:
1. Under “Campaigns Records”, you’ll be able to see all the leads that were captured under this particular wheel campaign. You can easily download them by clicking on CSV button as shown in the screenshot below.
Update: Now you can also delete the record which you have captured by simply clicking on 'Delete Record' under the 'Actions' section.
2. Under “Hourwise Visitors”, you’ll be able to see the visitor count every hour.
3. Under ‘Daywise Visitor’, you’ll be able to see the day-wise visitor count.
4. In the next section, similarly you’ll get further analysis of ‘Browser-wise Visitor’, ‘Device-wise Visitor’ and ‘Platform-wise Visitor’ respectively.
5. Under ‘Country-Wise Visitors’, you’ll be able to see the country wise visitor count on a world map.
6. You can also locate the total number of visitors from each and every country.
Please note that you have the option to see an Email-Wise analysis in the following manner :
Hourwise Emails
Daywise Emails
Browser-Wise Emails
Device-Wise Emails
Platform-Wise Emails
Country-Wise Emails
To do so, click on “Show Email Statistics” located right next to “Your Visitor Statistics” section. Check out the screenshot below for reference
Note: If you are unable to find what you were looking for here, please feel free to reach us anytime at
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