It might sometimes get quite frustrating to not have LetConvert Alerts displayed on the website/page even after taking all the required actions.
But, hey! We’ve got this as well sorted for you.
Below are the steps which are required to be taken in order to troubleshoot the problem.
Step 1: Verify Installation
It is essential to troubleshoot the problem so that, the LetConvert can start working wonders out for you.
The very first step which is required to be taken in this process is to verify the pixel which you have added into the <head> tag of your website.
To be able to verify the pixel, in your LetConvert Dashboard - Go to Settings >> Verify Pixel and then enter the website URL to check whether LetConvert is installed properly on your website or not.
Step 2: Check the Domain Settings
It is necessary to enter the domain name in the right format.
In your LetConvert dashboard, go to Settings >> Account Settings and then make the required changes.
Sometimes we ignore certain conditions which are totally mandatory for the LetConvert to appear on the website.
Check the required conditions set-up for Advanced URL targeting of LetConvert here.
Step 4: Time to relax
Once all the above-mentioned steps are taken into consideration, the only action left to be taken is to relax and witness the always wanted conversions.
Note: If you have created Recent Activity Alert then, make sure that you have an input field along with some activity on your record page because our system captures the emails from there and then shows as an alert on your display page.