Install LetConvert code or pixel with Aweber

Install LetConvert code/pixel with Aweber

This guide will help make your experience of capturing an embedded AWeber form on your website delightful and set up LetSetCom Campaigns with ease.

As it is now, LetConvert will not work on “AWeber email capture pages” that are hosted on the actual AWeber platform. And, therefore to install AWeber with LetConvert the AWeber form has to be embedded onto your website. It will then be possible to place the LetConvert pixel as well as the AWeber form on the landing page.

Follow the steps below to embed AWeber form on the concerned website:

STEP 1: In the Navigation Menu, click on the "Sign Up Forms" tab. It is right between the Subscribers and Reports tabs.

STEP 2: Select a form you require and then click "Publish"

STEP 3: Scroll down to the section that says "Who Will Publish This Form To Your Website" and select "I Will Install My Form"

STEP 4:  Select the Raw HTML Version and copy the code within the window.

STEP 5: Now you can publish the form to the website.

STEP 6:The Raw HTML Version should be published anywhere between the <body> tags of the website.

Note: If you are unable to find what you were looking for here, please feel free to reach us anytime at

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