With LetConvert dashboard, it is a very easy & hassle-free to manage all the campaigns in one place.
To get going with the campaign management, follow the steps listed below:
STEP 1: In your LetConvert dashboard, go to Campaigns >> Active Campaign. You’ll find all the campaigns which are active here.
STEP 2: You can find all the details of the campaign as to when was it created, unique visitors, records tracked, click(s) on callout.
STEP 3: You can also find the following options under ‘More Actions’.
A. Edit : You can edit the campaign from here.
B. Report : You can find the report of the campaign here with the following sections:
a. Info & Records
b. Visitors Stats
c. Click Stats
C. Clone : You can copy the campaign from here.
D. Archive : You can archive the campaign from here.
E. Active : You can activate or deactivate the campaign from here.
STEP 4: You can find the Overview, Details & Records of the campaign under their respective head.