Understanding Settings Module

Understanding Settings Module

Settings Module is a very important module in the LetConvert Dashboard.

There are 5 sections under this module:

1. Account Settings

You will find your website details, Timezone and the LetConvert branding here.

2. Integrations

You can find all the integrations here. Please refer to the guidebooks here to be able to understand how to integrate LetConvert with your email autoresponder.

3. Users

You can add and locate all your users here. Please refer to the guidebook here, to be able to understand how to add/delete a client (user) into your sub account. 

4. Pixel

You can find all the Pixel related details and WordPress plugin here. 

5. Verify Pixel

You can verify the pixel here.

6. Translation

You can find all your translated sets and can add the translation here. Please refer to the guide book here to be able to understand this in a better manner.

Note: If you are unable to find what you were looking for here, please feel free to reach us anytime at support@letx.co.

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