Getting Started
Check whether the LetSetCom Code/Pixel has been installed properly on your website
To check whether the LetSetCom Code/Pixel has been installed properly on your website, follow the steps below : STEP 1: Go to the Website where you wish to display the Campaigns, right-click anywhere on the website & then click on the “Inspect ...
Add LetSetCom code/pixel to your website
In order to add LetSetCom code/pixel to your website, follow the steps below: STEP 1: In your LetSetCom Dashboard, go to “Settings”. STEP 2: Click on “Pixel”. STEP 3: Now, you need to install the LetSetCom code to your website where you wish to ...
How to find XPath?
This video shows how to find XPath. Note: If you are unable to find what you were looking for here, please feel free to reach us anytime at
How to add/delete domains?
In order to add or delete a Domain from your LetSetCom Dashboard, follow the steps listed below: STEP 1: In the top menu bar of yourLetSetCom Dashboard, go to Settings >> Domain Profile. STEP 2: Then in the “Account Domains” section: To Add a New ...
Brief Walkthrough of the Dashboard
This video will give you a brief walkthrough of LetSetCom. Note: If you are unable to find what you were looking for here, please feel free to reach us anytime at
General Onboarding
Note: If you are unable to find what you were looking for here, please feel free to reach us anytime at