Third Party Integrations
Integrate LetSetCom with Convertri
If you want to add a pixel to Convertri Pro funnel, follow the steps below: STEP 1: In the Funnels screen, click the dropdown arrow next to your funnel name, and click Edit Scripts. STEP 2: If your pixel is meant to be appended to the <body> section ...
Integrate LetSetCom with ClickFunnels
In order to integrate LetSetCom with Click funnel, follow the steps listed below : STEP 1: Go to Main Funnel Settings >> Head Tracking Code. STEP 2: Paste Your LetSetCom Pixel into the "Head Tracking Code". STEP 3: Scroll to the bottom of the page ...
Install LetSetCom with Shopify
In order to install LetSetCom with Shopify, follow the steps listed below : STEP 1: In your LetSetCom Dashboard, go to “Settings”, click on “Shopify”. STEP 2: Enter your Shopify Shop Name and click on “Connect” as shown in the screenshot below. STEP ...
Install LetSetCom with Shopify Checkout Pages
In order to install LetSetCom with Shopify Checkout Pages, follow the steps listed below : STEP 1: In your LetSetCom Dashboard, go to “Settings”, click on “Shopify”. STEP 2: Enter your Shopify Shop Name and click on “Connect” as shown in the ...